Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm alive!!

Why hello there cyber world. I don't even remember the last time I wrote an entry, but I assure you it was well before I came down with the plague. Here is the reader's digest version of what I've been up to:

So a few days after the Mark Lowry event, I started feeling icky. Not just your average "Oh, I think I have a cold" icky. More like a "Am I dying? Yes. I am definitely dying." icky. I toughed it out for a few days, then on Wednesday I finally told my boss that I felt horrible, and ended up not finishing the day. I left work and went home and went straight to bed. The next morning, I woke up and felt like I was going to pass out and die. So I literally rolled out of my bed in my pajamas, grabbed my car keys, and drove across the street to the doctor. I didn't even brush my hair. I sat in the waiting area for almost an hour before she saw me, and then when she did see me she proceeded to tell me the bazillion things wrong. I had strep throat, a double ear infection, a sinus infection, and a severe upper respiratory infection. She examined me from the inside out and said everything looked horrible. She listened to my breathing forEVER because I was wheezing really badly,too. I was given some prescriptions, and I proceeded to come home and go back to bed for about 4 days. By Monday I was feeling no better at all, and figured that couldn't be normal. Walking across a room was enough to make me wheeze, cough, and sweat. I attempted to come to work for three hours, and couldn't handle it. I left work and went back to the doctor whereupon I learned I had pneumonia. Soooo, I was given a new, ten times stronger antibiotic, an inhaler, a decongestant, cough medicine - the works. I came back home, and pretty much slept through the rest of that week as well. I am not kidding you when I say I only left my bed to pee and eat.

Finally, this weekend I started feeling quasi-normal again, and I found my way down the street to my sister's house to start re-introducing myself to the world. I am back at work today, almost a full two weeks later, and am surviving thus far. I am really, really, REALLY tired. My chest is faintly sore, and my breathing feels shallow, but I am still much improved. I mostly just want to go back to bed, even though I slept 10 hours last night. Good grief.

And how did Thintervention go during all of this? Quite simply, it didn't. For the most part I didn't eat period other than ice cream and popsicles. Once I was given the stronger meds, I was instructed to eat very well while taking them because they would tear my stomach apart. So I started eating one large meal a day, but i had no appetite or desire to eat anything, so I tried to come up with comfort foods, junk foods - ANYthing that sounded remotely appetizing. I tried ordering pizza, chinese, donuts, etc. But everything just tasted like crap, so it didn't matter. And naturally I have not exercised for even five minutes during all of this, and I stopped taking my Zija meds for two weeks as well. I tip-toed onto the scale yestereday terrified that I would have gained like 20 lbs, however somehow I have lost 2 lbs. What the heck??? So now I'm down 17 lbs total, and still alive to tell it.

My plan was to get back into the swing of things today and Thintervention. Thus far, not so good. Still not really hungry, so all I've had is lunch which was a chicken sandwich and fries, and I've drank a TON of water because I am endlessly thirsty. Glug.

I probably can't exercise this week without keeling over and having a breathing attack, but hopefully next week I can start walking the dog or something. I have never had an illness just take over me like this, other than that one time I was paralyzed. But thats for a whole other storytime.

I need motivation, dedication, determination, and general merriment to return to my daily routine. Its hard getting "back on the wagon" so to speak after having crashed and burned so badly. Right now I am just so exhausted I can barely even type this. I just want to go to bed.



  1. Wow... that sounds awful, hun. Just don't let it tear down the amazing progress you were making. Make sure you are better, but just jump back on that horse. It's not easy, but you know it will be worth it. :)

  2. "I'm one stomach flu away from my ideal weight." haha I don't know where that line is from (some movie) but it's always been funny to me.

    Cheer up girl! You will be back to 100% soon and then back to kicking ass in the gym! :)

  3. I'm very late reading this, but rest assured that getting seriously ill, is not in any way shape or form "falling off the wagon." Please don't rush into working out and hurt yourself. Your body is working seriously hard to kill "the death." I once had a double ear infection. I can't freaking imagine all that other stuff on top of it. I'm glad you're alive!
