Friday, May 6, 2011

Ima need a minute

"Because sometimes life's not fair, that's why!" - has your mom, dad, uncle, sister, dog or SOMEbody ever said this to you? Well, I've said it to myself a lot this week. I fear I may even say it to my children some day. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. I can barely take care of myself and the dog, let alone bring a child into the mix right now. Oy.

Anyway, I'm having a frustrating week with everything. Work has been INSANE. Literally. Have a peek at my to-do list from just yesterday and Wednesday:
And these are just the things that I write down. Add to that about 50 million other things that I had to get done that never even made it to my to-do list. All of the things that get asked of me as I'm walking down a hall, or through a room, or someone hands me something...woof. The good news is, if it's highlighted I finished it. If gets added to today's list. I have had so many moments this week where all I want to do is stop for a minute and scream, but I have thus far refrained. I know things will calm down a little bit over the summer....only a weeeee little bit, but it counts. Between my 8-5 craziness, and then Zumba and/or gym every night until 7:30, by the time I get home I am DONE. No, there needs to be a better word for it. "Done" seems way to light-hearted.

So aside from work, this gym business. I'm doing Zumba three days a week now, and I try to do some form of something on 2 or 3 of my "off" days. So my exercise is to the max - but I weighed yesterday, and had lost ZERO pounds this week. What gives?! I'm still strong at 25, so yay for not gaining. But why didn't I at least lose a pound? I'm eating breakfast every day, drinking about fifty-eleven gallon of water a day, watching my calories, carbs, proteins, etc and trying to eat balanced. I mean, yes last weekend was bad with the Mexican and the Burger King. But honestly, that was two meals out of like 20 that weren't healthy, and I've burned a gazillion calories at the gym this week. The weird thing is, I FEEL like I've lost weight. I'm sure it is just a mind trick, but Zumba was getting easier this week because I am feeling more fit and more agile. And my clothes continue to feel a little looser all the time. Actually, in Zumba this week I had to practically keep one hand on my workout pants because they kept slipping down. sigh. So its really frustrating to hop on the scale and not see the rewards. Granted, once again I weighed at night, after having eaten 2-3 times that day, and was fresh off Zumba class so my muscles were all inflamed and swollen and pissy. But does that matter???

Sorry to have such a Debbie-Downer having lunch with Polly-Pissy-Pants in a convent kind of post, but I am just NOT feeling it today. Thoughts and ramblings are appreciated!

2+2 = 7????


  1. Hey take it easy on yourself! You're going to experience plateaus and those are normal and mean that you're losing weight the correct way! Muscle weighs more than fat-so while you're body actually builds muscle there may be times when you don't really lose "weight" per say...but you will keep noticiing differences in your body. Hang in there Micha! You're doing so great!!!!!! LOVE the plateaus as much as you love the losses! :)

  2. I've recently started subscribing to the school of thought that insists you throw away the scale! Since I'm a hoarder, I haven't actually thrown mine away, but I rarely weigh myself. You are right to pay attention to how you feel and how your clothes fit. Your body isn't just slimming down, it's changing shape. Stay strong, sister! The program I'm on now suggests you pull out a pair of "thermometer jeans." They don't have to be your ideal just a consistent way to see how you are doing.

  3. Your body could just be retaining water. When you weigh yourself one day the scale can say zero pounds lost and then when you weigh yourself a few days later the pounds finally fall off. Weight is totally weird. It's like it sneaks on and disappears the same way - which is, all of a sudden. You keep doing the right things (exercise and eating healthy) and you'll see the weight loss catch up with you. Promise.
