Friday, April 22, 2011

Cheat Day

Oh. My. Word. For real. This week has just kicked my butt in so many ways. Between the insane amount of stuff to get done at work, my much amped up workout schedule, my lack of sleep, and what seems to be an unusual amount of "busy-work" I just don't even remember this week happening.

Anyway, what was yesterday? Thursday?? Oh yeah. I totally used yesterday as a quasi-cheat day. I was at my breaking point for sleep and also just craving every food known to mankind. So rather than deprive and punish myself further, I said screw it and had a much more relaxed schedule and food intake. I had my Special K for breakfast per usual. For lunch we ordered pizza for our facilities staff to say thanks for helping us out with a big luncheon we had last week. We ordered from Little Ceasars. I looked up the nutritional info before lunch and discovered the pizza was 250 cals a slice for cheese, and 280 for pepperoni. I had 1 slice of cheese and 2 slices of pepperoni (told you it was a cheat day!). It was totally delicious and worth every bite of my 810 calorie lunch. :) (hey, that damn sandwich I had from Arby's that one day was worse!). When I got home from work I had already made the decision to not go to the gym. I've been everyday for over a week, including my Zumba excursion and quite frankly my muscles needed a hallelujah moment. So when I got home, I walked straight to my room, grabbed the dog, and collapsed into bed. Somehow I ended up taking a THREE hour nap! I knew my mind and body were exhausted, but I didn't realize they were that exhausted. I woke up at 8:30 and briefly thought I had been kidnapped by aliens or something.

For dinner, I made some wheat pasta. I put it in a big bowl, and ate less than half. I was just too tired to care. I finally treated myself with 4 little Hershey's squares. I read on the nutritional info that 5 squares is 200 calories. Why did I not eat five you ask? Because five squares made it break apart uneven, and I wanted it to break evenly so I could re-wrap it nicely. OCD much? Thus was my cheat day. 3 slices of pizza, half a bowl of pastas, and 4 Hershey squares. I don't even have the energy to feel badly about it. I was back in bed asleep by 11:30 last night. I'm just that cool.

Today I got back on schedule. My day off actually had the intended effect - I feel much more refreshed today and much less cravings. I had no breakfast this morning because I was in a worship planning meeting, and then got swept away into doing fifty-eleven tasks before noon. At noon we had our Good Friday service, which I literally finished checking the text for at 11:00. Oy. The service was actually really, really nice. I needed that 30-40 minutes to decompress from this week and actually remember it IS Easter after all.

After service, Ethan and I went to Ramsey's. He wanted Chinese, but the way I figured there are very few healthy options as the local Chinese haunts. So Ramsey's it was. It's a local place known for it's entirely Southern cuisine menu. Every time my friend Bobby comes it is a must on his to-do list. Cornbread, soup beans, fried chicken, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, broccoli casserole, mac & cheese - you name it, they make it. So what's a Thintervention girl to do? It was really, really, reeeeally hard! I didn't even order Sweet Tea. *tear* I stuck with water. Ethan, however, not only ordered sweet tea, but had the waitress bring an entire pitcher of sweet tea and just leave it on the table for him!! haha I so totally would have done that 5 months ago. Anyway, I ordered a burger with cheese. I took it off the bun and just ate it with a fork. Instead of frieds, I ordered a side salad with only cheese, ranch on the side. I used half of what she brought me, and ate the burger and drank my water. So not too bad, and it was still really good and I'm totally full. Times is hard ya'll.

Tonight I'm going to the gym, despite the monsoon conditions outside. I don't see myself leaving work anytime too soon. Couple more hours or so. Then it's home for a lovely Easter weekend with my family and most important of all, SLEEP!! :)

Look for me hoppin' down the bunny trail,

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